Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Chicken Bull A

C and I were shopping last weekend at Jonesboro and decided to have supper before we drove home. I let her decide where she wanted to eat, but STRONGLY encouraged her to choose Chick-Fil-A. We drove up in the parking lot and she saw the picnic tables outside and decided that we needed to eat outside. She loved it!
On Tuesday, she had a doctor's appointment in LR and Grandmama met us after our appointment. Caroline was excited to shop with Grandmama and asked her where we were going to have's the conversation:
C: "Grandmama, I like supper. Where are we going to eat?"
GM: "I don't know, C, where would you like to eat?"
C: "I want to go to Chicken Bull mommy and I like to eat there on the picnic tables!"

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