Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Chicken Bull A

C and I were shopping last weekend at Jonesboro and decided to have supper before we drove home. I let her decide where she wanted to eat, but STRONGLY encouraged her to choose Chick-Fil-A. We drove up in the parking lot and she saw the picnic tables outside and decided that we needed to eat outside. She loved it!
On Tuesday, she had a doctor's appointment in LR and Grandmama met us after our appointment. Caroline was excited to shop with Grandmama and asked her where we were going to have's the conversation:
C: "Grandmama, I like supper. Where are we going to eat?"
GM: "I don't know, C, where would you like to eat?"
C: "I want to go to Chicken Bull mommy and I like to eat there on the picnic tables!"

Home is where the fun is!

This is the first entry to my own blog! I have enjoyed reading others' blogs for some time now and have finally decided that as much time as I have to spend on the computer, I should be blogging myself! I have discovered that I may not have time to get the baby books or scrapbooks out to document and preserve daily happenings at our house, so blogging may be the answer to remembering all of the funnies--and not so funnies, too--because our home is where the fun is!

Last week, Stoney had a meeting one night and of course, it was a crazy night at our house. K had lots of homework, I was trying to actually prepare a meal, and both girls needed their hair washed that night, and of course, we were running late getting home. So after a stressful evening, I was getting C out of the bath with her wet head and was helping her get dressed on our bed, she wrapped her arms around my neck, naked as a jaybird, and said "Mommy, home is where the fun is!" And of course, she brought everything into perspective with one little sentence--and we did have a fun rest-of -the-night!! So when I decided to blog, I had to name it "Home is Where the Fun Is"!!